What would it take for you to feel proud of your brand? I want you to be excited when you hand someone your brochure or product. Helping companies look their best and visually communicating to their target audience is my passion. But whether you work with me or another designer, here are 6 tips to help you get […]

Sometimes by the end of the week I wonder What happened to my work week? What did I do all week? – I was so busy… I answered lots of emails, I took in plenty of new projects, I made a ton of content revisions, I prepared artwork for the printer. So, where is all this designing […]

I love to travel! I also love to encourage others to travel! There’s adventure, explorations, interesting foods, different luxuries or the lack there of – depending where you go. It opens your mind and heart to worlds we don’t know. Mostly, I find it interesting to observe the lives of other people and see what […]